为深入推进上海市与各国际友好城市之间的教育人文交流,增进世界各国青少年之间的友谊和理解,上海市教育委员会将于2023年7月18日至7月31日举办“2023上海国际友好城市青少年夏令营”。自2009年起,上海市教育委员会每年举办“上海国际友好城市青少年夏令营”活动。在各国友城的大力支持下,夏令营活动已成功举办十三届,共有来自37个国家41个国际友好城市的143 1名师生参与其中。今年,“上海国际友好城市青少年夏令营”回归线下举办。世界各国青少年与上海同龄人一起开展中国传统文化和汉语学习、友城青年论坛交流、城市人文风貌考察、高校及场馆参访、当地家庭生活体验等交流活动,互学互鉴,共同发展。
"2023 Shanghai International Sister City Youth Summer Camp” will be held from July 18 to July 31, 2023. This is a summer camp sponsored by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, to facilitate the educational and cultural exchanges between Shanghai and her Sister Cities, and foster bonds and cross-cultural understanding among young people around the world.The first Shanghai International Sister City Youth Summer Camp was held in 2009. Since then, 13 Summer Camps have wrapped up in success with strong support from sister cities. A total of 1,431 teachers and students, representing 37 countries and 41 Sister Cities of Shanghai, have engaged in the events.This year will be the first year since the pandemic that the Summer Camp will take place offline. Teenagers from across the world are welcome to join their peers in Shanghai, to learn about Chinese traditional culture and Mandarin, participate in the Sister Cities Youth Forum, experience the city’s culture via visits to the universities and event venues, and immersion experience with the local hosts. Through these exchange activities, they will learn, inspire, and grow together.
Camp Introduction
Camp Process
Material download
The Introduction of Installation
The Introductione of Login and Setting up
The Introduction of Assignment Answering
The Introduction of Contacting Teachers and Classmates
The Introductione of Watching Courses
The first Shanghai International Sister City Youth Summer Camp was held in 2009. Since then, 13 Summer Camps have wrapped up in success with strong support from sister cities. A total of 1,431 teachers and students, representing 37 countries and 41 Sister Cities of Shanghai, have engaged in the events.